King Daniel of Galicia Ivano-Frankivsk University of Law

The King Danylo University is a university in Prykarpattia Ukraine.


The University was founded in 1997 by a rector, a priest, an academician of the UAS, Doctor of Jurisprudence, Doctor of Law, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Canon Law, Professor, an owner of the Excellence in Education of Ukraine Badge Father Ivan Lutskyi.


The structure of King Danylo University includes:
The training of specialists is carried out in the following specialties:
The lectures are given by qualified lecturers and scientists from Ukraine, the United States, Germany, Poland, France, Spain, Lithuania, Georgia, and Moldova.
For the majority of the enumerated specialties you can get education at the education and qualification level “Junior Specialist” at colleagues of the university.
Over 20,000 students have graduated from King Danylo University. The graduates get a State diplomas at the education and qualification levels: “Junior Specialist, “Bachelor’s” “Master’s degree” and also have the opportunity to get diplomas of higher education of foreign institutions according to principle of “Dual degree”
The educational process adapts to the requirements of the modern labor market to ensure the development of innovative thinking in youth and future employment. Students are involved in public, scientific, cultural and educational work. This not only contributes to the improvement of knowledge of the disciplines being studied, but also forms the part of their professional competence in future specialists, as it develops such personal qualities as autonomy, organization, creativity, aspiration for self-education, a clear civil position, etc.