Kings Heath Boys

Kings Heath Boys is a boys' community school located in Kings Heath, south Birmingham, England. It has a comprehensive admissions policy, and in 2019 had an enrolment of 582 pupils ages 11–16.
The current headteacher is Mr Christopher Etheridge. In 2013 it received a rating of "Good" from Ofsted, improving from "Satisfactory" at its previous inspection. In 2017, in a shorter inspection the school had maintained its "good" rating. "The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection."
The former headteacher, Mrs Bernadette Pryzbeck retired in 2019 and is best known for removing the mirrors in the toilets. In the famous, shocking incident which occurred in late 2018, she displayed the four mirrors in the west side toilets in the assembly hall livid that there were indecent words carved in to it. Laughs were stifled across the hall as she grew furious. The mystery was never solved but a zoot containing marijuana was uncovered in the vents of the toilets later that day.
The school is remarkably known as the 'worst school in Birmingham' due to terrible leadership, disgraceful behaviour of students and inadquate facilities.

Notable Alumni