Kingston College (Jamaica)

Kingston College is an all boys high school under the diocese of the Anglican Church of Jamaica located on 2A North Street, Kingston Jamaica.


Kingston College was founded by Bishop of Jamaica, Dr. G.F.C. DeCarteret with Bishop Percival Gibson as the first headmaster. The school was envisioned as a remedy for the social deformity, where poor black boys were privileged to primary education only. The school, Kingston College, was created primarily to provide poor black boys, who otherwise would not have the opportunity, with a secondary education. The founder was convinced that there was a treasury of untapped talent among the black working and lower middle classes. Kingston College would nurture that talent and so take to another level the uncompleted process of full Emancipation that begun in 1838. K.C., as the school became known, admitted any boy, black or not, born in wedlock or not, who could satisfy the entrance requirements and pay the affordable fees.
Kingston College began at 114 ¾ East The school was declared open on April 16, 1925 with forty-nine students. Today the school is located at 2A North Street, Kingston. In 1963 the Melbourne Campus was purchased from the Melbourne Cricket Club. The Melbourne Campus is now home to 7th, 8th, 9th Grade.
The school's color, purple was chosen because it is the color worn by Christian Bishops, the color used by the Greeks to honor their Olympic champions and the color of the leading Empire in History – Rome.


The school's motto is in Latin: "'Fortis Cadere Cedere Non Potest''", which translates into "The Brave May Fall But Never Yield."


The crest bears the colors purple and white which represents the Episcopal colors and speaks of our religious connections. Purple was the colour the Roman Empire and was used by the Greeks to honor their Olympic heroes. The pineapple symbolizes the field of labor and fruitfulness, The dog, the animal of loyalty, fidelity and watchfulness. The book represents the Bible and academics.

Rhodes Scholars

Rhodes Scholars from the college include:
The college has won a number of athletic and academic championships in Jamaica.
;Track and field
;Education/general knowledge
; Rugby League
U16 - 2
;Table tennis

Politics and law