Kira Kreylis-Petrova

Kira Alexandrovna Kreylis-Petrova is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of Russia.


Kira Petrova was born in Leningrad, as a child survived the Siege of Leningrad. From an early age engaged in playing the violin, always loved to make people laugh all around. After school, he decided to become an actress. On the first attempt to enter the Moscow Art Theatre School. In Moscow, which came to the commission of the Art Theatre, flew a telegram: We carry a pearl of laughter.
The course, where she studied Kira Petrova proved stellar: Galina Volchek, Anatoly Kuznetsov, Igor Kvasha, Leonid Bronevoy, Irina Skobtseva, Pyotr Fomenko, Lyudmila Ivanova and others. The Institute Kira married the future director Yacov Kreylis and took the surname Kreylis-Petrova.


In 1955, Kira Kreylis-Petrova graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre School.
In 1955 — 1956 the fleet was a theater actress in Liepaja in 1956 - 1957 - in the Drama Theatre name of Chekhov.
In 1957 — 1974 Bryantsev Youth Theatre.
Since 1980 to 2012 Actress Alexandrinsky Theatre.
Played more than 50 roles in film and TV.