Kiro Congo

The Kiro Congo is a Catholic youth organization in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is one of the important big youth movements in the country. Kiro Congo is a member of the Catholic umbrella of youth organizations Fimcap.


Kiro was founded on 11 November 1947. The youth movement grew quickly in the 1950s. In 1957 already about 150 Kiro groups existed in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 1960 Kiro had already about 240 boys' and girls' groups with approximately 17,000 individual members.


Kiro Congo is structured in the following sections :
Age groupName of section
6 – 12 years" Bakayouki"
12 – 14 years"Youpi"
14 – 16 years"Gens"
16 years and older"Aspis"
