Kirsten Stoltmann
Kirsten Stoltmann is an artist based in Los Angeles.
Stoltmann was born in Milwaukee. Her art career began in video but has progressed to embrace object-making. Her work references her Midwestern roots, feminism, sexuality, adolescent culture and self-deprecating humour.Selected exhibitions
I Know What I'm Doing, Wallspace, New York
Boys and Flowers, Western Bridge, Seattle
Jonathan Vyner/Fortescue Avenue, London
Adjoining the Voids,, Sister Gallery, Los Angeles
Imitations of Life, De Balie Cinema, Amsterdam
Renegade, 1R Gallery, Chicago
Transference, The Russian Contemporary Art Centers in Ekantrinburg and Kaliningrad
Art Video Lounge,, Art Basel Miami Beach
Behind The Pedestal,, Bower Gallery, San Antonio
Dinner and A Movie: Women in the Director's Chair, Chicago
Art/Music: Rock, Pop, Techno, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
Pretend TV, La Panaderia, Mexico City