Kittie Party

Kittie Party is a Hindi television serial that aired on Zee TV. The story is based on the lives of 8 women who get together in a function called 'Kittie Party' where they gossip, reveal their emotional & psychological self-expressions, and share secrets amidst friends. The Show was produced by Manish Goswami.


The story is based on the lives of eight women who get together in their social meeting ground called 'Kittie Party' every month to party and share their life moments with each other. The story goes through the lives of these eight women: Manju, Rewa, Vidya, Tina, Pixie, Niloufer, Kuku, and Natasha, and explores their individual lives through these meetings — their hopes, disappointments, aspirations, and longings. Each woman's character is reflected clearly through her interaction with others as well as through what she projects at these particular meetings.
