
Knerten is a Norwegian film from 2009 directed by Åsleik Engmark, based on the children's books by author Anne-Cath. Vestly. The movie was in Norwegian cinemas on 16 October 2009, and has later been cleared to be one of the best children's films in Norway.


Lillebror has recently moved from Oslo and out to the countryside with his big brother Phillip and his parents. But out at the countryside, he realises that there is nearly no friends to make. But one day, all that changes when his imagination brings him a friend-, the wood stick figure Knerten appears in a pile of wood.
When Lillebror's mom is working at Eilertsen & EFTF shop, and while father is busy traveling selling underwear, Lillebror has to manage himself together with Knerten nearly every single day that is passing.
