Knocksedan, Swords

Knocksedan is a rural townland near the town of Swords in Ireland. It is situated along the Naul Road to the west of Swords on either side of the Ward River.

Housing Estate

Knocksedan Demesne is a quiet housing estate on the east side of the Naul Road. It is on its own and is isolated from the main town of Swords. It contains 163 houses, but no shops or community facilities. in January 2017, the 41X Dublin Bus Route began a service from Knocksedan after campaigning from the residents, a localink bus provided by Flexibus Local Link serves the estate between Knocksedan and Swords Pavilions, however this stops at 7pm every night and does not run on Sundays. There are no good paths into the town.
The streets in the estate are:
A second phase of Knocksedan Demesne is currently under construction, planning permission has been granted for 191 four and five bedroom houses. This development will also include a creche.
Construction of the second phase of Knocksedan Demesne began in July 2014.


Knocksedan Heliport is located on the west side on the Naul Road. It is run by Celtic Helicopters. Celtic Helicopters were founded in 1985 and their helicopters have carried Nelson Mandela and have flown alongside Air Force One. Their heliport in Knocksedan has four hangars and they provide a helicopter wash facility and Jet A1 Fuel. Irish Helicopters also use the heliport. They provide Aerial Crane, Aerial Filming, Aerial Survey, Helicopter Charter, Helicopter Maintenance, Power Line Survey, Spraying and Special Project services.


The Ward River Valley Park is a large linear park on the banks of the Ward River. It covers an area of 89 ha. between Swords Town Centre and Knocksedan Bridge. Features of interest include some 12th-century fortifications, including a Motte and Bailey, woodland habitats, wetlands and rolling grassland. There are viewing points, picnic sites, sports pitches and tennis courts. The Knocksedan end of the park is currently underdeveloped, phase 2 of the Knocksedan Demesne Housing Estate includes developing this end of the park into Open Space.