Knottingley (electoral ward)

Knottingley is an electoral ward of the City of Wakefield district used for elections to Wakefield Metropolitan District Council.


The ward is one of 21 in the Wakefield district and has had the same boundaries since the 2004 Council election. As of 2015, the electorate stands at 12,495 of which 96.2% identify as "White British" and 69.4% of who identify as Christian.
Notable parts of the ward include Knottingley and Ferrybridge with notable landmarks including Ferrybridge Power Stations, Kellingley Colliery and Willow Garth Nature Reserve.


Like all wards in the Wakefield district, Knottingley has 3 councillors, whom are elected on a 4-year-rota. This means elections for new councillors are held for three years running, with one year every four years having no elections.
The current councillors are Graham Stokes and Harry Ellis from Labour of Thomas Gordon of the Liberal Democrats. Knottingley is the only ward with a Liberal Democrat councillor in Wakefield Council since 2011, winning the seat after not standing a candidate in the ward since 2003.


Election results since 1996

The boundaries were changed in the 2004 election resulting in all three positions becoming vacant.