Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation is a Swedish public and private foundation formed in 1917 by Knut Agathon Wallenberg and his wife Alice Wallenberg. It was created to support research in the natural sciences, technology and medicine by awarding long-term grants to basic research of the highest international class. Since its establishment it has approved funding of just over SEK 27.2 billion to Swedish research and education. Almost SEK 14.5 of this was awarded between 2008 and 2018. The funding allocated annually in recent years of almost SEK 2 billion has given the Foundation its position as one of the largest private research foundations in Europe.
Grants are primarily awarded in two main categories: research projects, and funding of excellent researchers through the Wallenberg Scholars and Wallenberg Clinical Scholars programs for senior researchers, and Wallenberg Academy Fellows for younger researchers. The Foundation uses an extensive peer review process – applications are scrutinized by international experts before the Board of the Foundation makes a decision. The Foundation can also initiate funding of strategic projects and scholarship programs.
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation is the largest of the 16 foundations formed on the basis of donations from members of the Wallenberg family, or created with funds raised in honor of Wallenberg family members. The foundations are referred to collectively as the Wallenberg Foundations, and award grants totaling approximately SEK 2.2 billion each year.