Knutzy Knights

Knutzy Knights is a 1954 short subject directed by Jules White starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges. It is the 156th entry in the series released by Columbia Pictures starring the comedians, who released 190 shorts for the studio between 1934 and 1959.


The Stooges are troubadours sent to cheer up the brokenhearted Princess Elaine. Her father, the King, has pledged her hand in marriage to the Black Prince, but she loves Cedric, the local blacksmith.
The Stooges try to intervene for Cedric by serenading Elaine. They are captured by the king’s guards and condemned to be beheaded. Eventually, the King realizes the plot and jails the Black Prince and his fellow plotter. Elaine is allowed to marry Cedric, and they all live happily ever after.



Knutzy Knights is a remake of Squareheads of the Round Table, using ample footage from the original 1948 film. It is notable for being the last film featuring new footage of longtime Stooge foil Vernon Dent, who was losing his eyesight and forced to retire. Dent appeared in six more Stooge films after Knutzy Knights, via recycled footage: Of Cash and Hash, Bedlam in Paradise, Flagpole Jitters, Rumpus in the Harem, Hot Stuff and Guns a Poppin.