Ko Khangkhao

Ko Khangkhao is a small island at the south of Ko Sichang, Chonburi in Thailand. The distance from Ko Sichang is around 500 metres. You can travel to this island by boat from Ko Sichang or Ko Loi from Sri Racha. Ko Khangkhao has white sandy beaches and corals around the island. The island has two beaches. The first one is East Beach, it is hard to walk around because it has some small reefs. The other side is West Beach, most of travelers visit here, because it is easy to walk or swim around the beach. In addition, you can rest on this island too. There is a resort on this island name 'Ko Khangkhao Resort' or you can bring your tent and set it up around the resort.


In the past, Ko Khangkhao was called Ko Taikhangkhao but travelers who visit this island are familiar with "Ko Khankhao".


Recreational activities include fishing, sailing, diving, and snorkeling around this island.
The Naturist Association Thailand rented the island in August 2019 for nude beach trips every last Wednesday of each month.


This island is a minor of Ko Sichang


The average of temperature is 30.5 °C to 35.5 °C
The statistics from the Department of Meteorology, Ko Khangkhao has an average rainfall of 1148.8 mm throughout the year.


Some of citizens on this island still raise yams, bananas, capsicums and cucumbers.