
Koimoku is a manga series written by Dall-Young Lim and illustrated by Hae-Won Lee. The series revolves around Kouta Inamine, a young manga artist whose streak of failures takes a drastic turn when he is hired by a famous B-rated editor.
Koimoku began serialization in the March 2011 issue of Kill Time Communication's seinen manga magazine Comic Valkyrie, published on January 27, 2011, and ended in the November 2012 issue. The first volume was released on July 27, 2011, and the fifth and final volume released on November 29, 2012.


Kouta Inamine is a young man with dreams of becoming a professional manga artist, but his constant mistakes has caused him to be fired from almost every manga magazine in Tokyo. After being fired from yet another manga magazine, he believes his life to be over. However, his life takes a drastic turn when he finds out that his next door neighbor, Hinata Sawanoguchi, is revealed to be a famous editor for a B-rated manga magazine, and Hinata recruits him for her manga magazine. The story mainly focuses on the process of making and serializing manga, from concept to completion and the real-life stresses that come with it, with a comedic touch.


Main characters

;Kouta Inamine
;Hinata Sawanoguchi
;Miki Fujiwara
;Chika Sakomizu

Comic Heat staff

;Tohru Asahina
;Sayaka Jumonji
;Ryujirou Mine
;Yū Takashima

Comic Splash staff

;Izumi Honda

Ozma Studio

;Shogo Omura
;Rune Iwasaki
;Minako Aikawa

Other characters

;Rinne Kagami


Written by Korean manhwa author Dall-Young Lim and illustrated by Hae-Won Lee, Koimoku began serialization in Kill Time Communication's seinen manga magazine Comic Valkyrie in its March 2011 issue, and ended in the November 2012 issue with twenty chapters published. The first volume was released on July 27, 2011 under KTC's Valkyrie Comics imprint, and the fifth and final volume was released on November 29, 2012.
In South Korea, it is published by Artlim Media, and it is serialized in Comic GT.