
Kojagori ; is a Bengali television Soap Opera that premiered on February 2, 2015 and airs on Zee Bangla. Produced by Magic Motion Pictures, it stars Raja Goswami Om and Aparajita Ghosh Das in lead roles.
The show revolves around Shouronil Mitta and Phuljhuri who are diametrically different from each other.

Plot summary

While Phuljhuri is a city-bred, pampered young girl who lives life on her own terms, Saheb is a well-read, upright yet grounded youth, who believes in simple living, with high ideals. But fate brings the two people together in wedlock.


Main Cast

The serial is being ranked as one of the most watched television serial from the day it has premiered on television. It now fetches a trp of 8.0. The serial received 4 awards at the Tele Samman Awards .