Kolazhy Grama Panchayat

Kolazhy Grama Panchayat, also known as Kolazhy GP, is part of Puzhakkal block, in Thrissur taluk, in Thrissur district. It is located north of Thrissur city.
The group of villages forming the wards given in the table below are governed by Kolazhy Grama Panchayat, Puzhakkal Block Panchayat and .


India census, Kolazhy had a population of 8445. Males constitute 49% of the population and females 51%. Kolazhy has an average literacy rate of 85%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 86%, and female literacy is 84%. In Kolazhy, 10% of the population is under 6 years of age. The maximum populations are migrated here for residential purposes, as they maximum belongs employees of Govt. & private offices.


In ancient days it was then part of Vijayapuram "pravrithi" in Trichur "taluq".
For the purposes of census, Kolazhy Grama Panchayat is divided into three census towns of Kolazhy, Kuttur and Pottore.
#Kolazhy Grama Panchayat
Ward # - Name
Puzhakkal Block Panchayat
Ward # - Name
Thrissur District Panchayat
Ward # - Name
Census Town
101 - Kunnathupeedika08 - Kunnathupeedika08 - AvanurPottore
202 - Attore North08 - Kunnathupeedika08 - AvanurPottore
303 - Pottore North08 - Kunnathupeedika08 - AvanurPottore
404 - Thiroor09 - Kolazhy08 - AvanurKolazhy
505 - Puthanmadamkunnu09 - Kolazhy08 - AvanurKolazhy
606 - Athekkad09 - Kolazhy08 - AvanurKolazhy
707 - Kolazhy North09 - Kolazhy08 - AvanurKolazhy
808 - Kolazhy Centre09 - Kolazhy08 - AvanurKolazhy
909 - Poovany09 - Kolazhy08 - AvanurKolazhy
1010 - Kolazhy West09 - Kolazhy08 - AvanurKolazhy
1111 - Pottore South08 - Kunnathupeedika08 - AvanurPottore
1212 - Attore South08 - Kunnathupeedika08 - AvanurPottore
1313 - Pamboor08 - Kunnathupeedika08 - AvanurKuttur
1414 - Kuttur East08 - Kunnathupeedika08 - AvanurKuttur
1515 - Kuttur West08 - Kunnathupeedika08 - AvanurKuttur
1616 - Kuttur North08 - Kunnathupeedika08 - AvanurKuttur
1717 - Kottekkad08 - Kunnathupeedika08 - AvanurKuttur
