Koliada (deity)

Koliada or Koleda is a Slavic mythological deity, that personalizes the newborn winter infant Sun and impersonates the New Year's cycle. It is connected with the solar cycle, passing through the four seasons and from one substantial condition into another.
In the different Slavic countries at the Koliada winter festival were performed rituals with games and songs in its honour - like koleduvane. In some regions of Russia the ritual gifts for the koledari are also called "kolyada". In the lands of the Croats it was symbolized by a doll, called Koled. In the ancient times Slavs used to sacrifice horses, goats, cows, bears or other animals that personify fertility. Koliada is mentioned either as male or a female deity in the songs.

In modern culture

There are many traditions that recall both the deity and the ritual of Koliada. All of them are on or around Winter Solstice:
There are Slavic neopagan communities in most of the Slavic countries whose goal is to popularize ancient pagan belief and practice in present-day society.
Some Slavic pagan rock and folk rock bands have songs about Koliada: