
Koliyivshchyna was a major haidamaka rebellion that broke out in Right-bank Ukraine in June 1768, caused by the dissatisfaction of the peasants with serfdom, the anti-nobility and anti-Polish moods among the Cossacks and peasants. The uprising was accompanied by violence against Poles, Jews and Roman Catholic and Uniate clergy, culminating in the massacre of Uman. The number of victims is estimated from 100,000 to 200,000


The origin of the word is not certain. It could be an adaptation of the Polish words "kolej", "kolejno", "po kolei", which implies "służba kolejna", designating Cossack militia in the service of aristocrats. That etymology is suggested by historians such as Władysław Andrzej Serczyk and Volodymyr Shcherbyna.


It was simultaneous to the Confederation of Bar which originated out of the adjacent region in the city of Bar and was a de facto civil war in Poland.
The rebellion was fueled by the circulation of a fictitious proclamation of support and call to arms by Russia's Empress Catherine II, the so called "Golden Charter". Mostly based on rumors, the charter however had a real foundation and was connected with the Catherinian rescript that in 1765 she issued it to Archimandrite Melkhisedek and obligated the Russian ambassador in Warsaw to facilitate assertion of rights and privileges of the Right-bank Ukraine Orthodox confession. In 1764, on territory of the Zaporizhian Host of Right-bank Ukraine and along the southern borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Russian Empire created New Russia Governorate in place of previously existing New Serbia province and was intensively militarised.
Preparation to uprising and the initial raid of the Cossack detachment of Maksym Zalizniak started at the Motrynine Saint Trinity Monastery, a hegumen of which was Archimandrite Melkhisedek who also served as the director of all Orthodox monasteries and churches in Right-bank Ukraine.
The peasant rebellion quickly gained momentum and spread over the territory from the right bank of the Dnieper River to the river Syan. At Uman it led to a big massacre. Poles, Jews and Uniates were herded into their churches and synagogues and killed in cold blood.
In three weeks of unbridled violence the rebels slaughtered 20,000 people, according to numerous Polish sources. The leaders of the uprising were Cossacks Maksym Zalizniak and Ivan Gonta. While being the commander of the Potocki's private Uman city Cossack militia garrison, the latter joined Zalizniak at Uman after being despatched by Polish Count Franciszek Salezy Potocki to protect it.
Eventually the uprising was crushed by Russian troops, aided by Polish army. Both its leaders were arrested by the Russian troops on 7 July 1768. Ivan Gonta was handed over to Polish authorities who tortured him to death, while Maksym Zalizniak was exiled to Siberia. The rebellion was suppressed by the joint forces of Polish and Russian armies, with numerous hangings, decapitations, quarterings and impalings.

Koliyivshchyna in popular culture

's epic poem Haidamaky chronicles the events of the Koliyivshchnyna. The event also inspired recent artwork during the latest Ukrainian unrest.