
Kolmikärki is CMX's 1990 debut album. Notwithstanding the punk roots of the early CMX, the musical style of the album varies greatly. There's hardcore, heavy metal, acid rock, some jazz, ballads and even a waltz. A. W. Yrjänä's lyrics on the album contain a lot of religious imagery for which the band is still known. The lyrics have been influenced by a variety of religions, including Buddhism and Christianity, as well as drawing influence from shamanism. CMX's music has changed significantly since this early album, but their enthusiasm for experimenting with different musical styles has lived on.
The CD version of Kolmikärki released by Bad Vugum also contains the Raivo EP originally published in 1989. The "Gold" version of the album, released in 2002 contains both Raivo and CMX's first EP, Johannes Kastaja, originally released in 1987.

Track listing

Music and lyrics by A. W. Yrjänä, arranged by CMX.
  1. "Johdatus salatieteisiin" – 4:05
  2. "Sika ja perkele" – 2:25
  3. "Nahkaparturi" – 1:51
  4. "Kaikki nämä kädet" – 2:30
  5. "Götterdämmerung" – 2:05
  6. "Kuolemattomuuden ääni" – 2:02
  7. "Pyydä mahdotonta" – 2:57
  8. "Pyörivät sähkökoneet" – 3:26
  9. "Taivas ja helvetti" – 2:19
  10. "Voittamaton" – 2:05
  11. "Suuri äiti" – 3:48
  12. "Kolmas Johannes" – 1:51
  13. "Hiljaisuuden pelko" – 1:35
  14. "Liekkisusi, sulkakäärme" – 6:07
