Kondarangi Keeranur

Kondarangi Keeranur known as K Keeranur is a panchayat located in Oddanchatram Tk, Dindigul Dt., Tamil Nadu, India. Village is a multi caste one with a population of 5000. Kondarangi Keeranur panchayat have eight hamlets namely Vellianvalasu, Perumal Goundan Valasu, Chinnakaliappa Goundan Valasu, Idayan Valasu, Cherian Nagar, Miras Nagar, Maleeswarapuram and Anna Nagar. The main activity of the village is Agriculture. Current Panchayat president is Mrs.vijayalakshmi shanmugasundar, DMK who is well known personality in Oddanchatram Taluk. Panchayat won Uthamar Gandhi Award of the year 2006.


North by Mulanur in Tiruppur District, South by Oddanchatram, Taluk Headquarters, West by Kallimandayam and East by Idayakottai and connected by State High ways roads.


K Keeranur has five temples, namely,
  1. Malligaruja temple
  2. Mayavan temple
  3. Kaliamman temple
  4. Vinayagar temple
  5. Mandha pidari temple

    Water Facilities

The panchayat have overhead tanks, mini pumps, ground level reservoirs and also hand pumps for water supply. Every hamlet is connected with overhead tanks with sufficient power supply. House connections are also given to most of the houses. More than 100 public tapes are provided for water supply.


K Keeranur has one middle school-Panchayat Union Higher Elementary School)s and hamlets have 3 elementary schools.

Bank / ATM

Canara Bank with ATM


Primary Health Centre with MBBS, BDS & Homeopathic Doctors


Totally 1 medical shop available.
  1. Prakash medicals

    Cellphone Towers

Most of the mobile network companies installed towers to cover signals with near by 5 villages.
  1. Vodafone
  2. Airtel
  3. Jio


Total Sanitation village
Families adopt family planning in letter and spirit. Most of them have one child and others maximum of two children.

Panchayat President

Mrs.vijayalakshmi shanmugasundar