
A kontor was a foreign trading post of the Hanseatic League.
In addition to the major kontore in London, Bruges, Bergen, and Novgorod, some ports had a representative merchant and a warehouse.


Through Middle Low German, from French, from Latin 'calculate, compute'. After spreading via the League, the word continues to mean 'office' in the Scandinavian languages and in Estonian, while is used in Dutch. Probably from Dutch, and quite possibly thanks to Peter the Great, the word, as , is also one term for 'office' in Russian and Ukrainian. The latest word for 'office' in Russian is .


Of all the kontor buildings, only Bergen's kontor, known as Bryggen in Norway, has survived until the present day. The Hanseatic kontor at Bryggen was closed in 1754 and replaced by a "Norwegian kontor", run by Norwegian citizens, but still with a large element of German immigrants. Bergen's kontor is on the UNESCO list of the World Cultural Heritage sites.
The Hanseatic Warehouse in King's Lynn, England, survives - but was converted into offices in 1971.