
Kostovite is a rare orthorhombic-pyramidal gray white telluride mineral containing copper and gold with chemical formula AuCuTe4.
It was discovered by Bulgarian mineralogist Georgi Terziev , who named it in honor of his professor Ivan Kostov . In 1965 kostovite was approved as a new species by the International Mineralogical Association. The type locality is the Chelopech copper ore deposit, Bulgaria. Small deposits have also been found in Kochbulak, Commoner mine, Kamchatka, Ashanti, Buckeye Gulch, Bisbee, Kutemajärvi, Coranda-Hondol, Glava, Bereznjakovskoje, Moctezuma, Panormos Bay, Guilaizhuang Mine, Tongshi complex, Kalgoorlie-Boulder City,.