
Koudum is a village in the northern Netherlands. It is located in Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland. Nearby villages include Molkwerum to the west, Workum to the north and Hemelum to the south. The population of Koudum was 2,700 in 2019. The nearest train station is the Koudum-Molkwerum railway station.
There is a restored windmill in the village, De Vlijt.


Before 2011, Koudum was the seat of the former municipality of Nijefurd. Before 1984, it was part of Hemelumer Oldeferd municipality.


De Vlijt is a restored windmill in the village. The mill was originally built in the 18th century as a polder mill in Oppenhuizen or Sneek. In 1986, the mill was moved to its current location and rebuilt into a corn rack mill.