Kozhipporu is an Indian Malayalam-language Family Drama film written and directed by Jinoy Janardhanan and Jibit George, and starred Indrans, Pauly Valsan, Anjali Nair, Jolly Chirayath, Veena Nandakumar, Jinoy Janardhanan, Navajith Narayanan, Sohan Seenulal and Praveen TJ. The film produced by V. G. Jayakumar and the soundtrack was composed by Bijibal. Film edited by Appu N. Bhattathiri and Ragesh Narayanan was the cinematographer. The film released on 6 March 2020.Cast
- Indrans
- Pauly Valsan
- Anjali Nair
- Jolly Chirayath
- Veena Nandakumar
- Sameksha Nair
The music and background score of the film is done by Bijibal and the lyrics was written by Vinayak Sasikumar.Release
The film released on 6 March 2020.