Krzysztof Grabowski

Krzysztof „Grabaż" GrabowskiPolish poet, singer, author of lyrics and music for songs by bands Pidżama Porno, Strachy na Lachy, Ręce Do Góry and Lavina Cox.
His lyrics are functioning also as poetry – they were released for the first time in 1994 in "Welwetowe Swetry". The book contained 46 song lyrics from the bands Ręce do Góry, Pidżama Porno, and Lavina Cox and was released by Wydawnictwo Lampa i Iskra Boża. In 1997 there was a reedition of that book, containing 63 song lyrics. In 2008 Lampa released "Wiersze", a book with all the lyrics written by Grabowski.


He attended 1st Maria Curie-Skłodowska General Education Secondary School in Piła.
After that he studied history at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
His scene debut was in 1984 in a band called Ręce do Góry.
In 1987 he established Pidżama Porno. At present Grabowski sings in Strachy na Lachy and works in a radio station Roxy FM, where he leads an evening transmission.
