Kulm District

Kulm District is a district in the canton of Aargau, Switzerland. It is located west of Lake Hallwil and covers parts of the Wyna and Suhre valleys. The principal town is Unterkulm; the largest municipality is Reinach. The district contains 17 municipalities, is 101.35 km² in area and has a population of .


Kulm district has an area,, of. Of this area, or 49.8% is used for agricultural purposes, while or 31.8% is forested. Of the rest of the land, or 14.2% is settled.


The Kulm district has a population of. , 22.6% of the population are foreign nationals.


there were 18,062 workers who lived in the municipality. Of these, 12,740 or about 70.5% of the residents worked outside the district while 7,159 people commuted into the district for work. There were a total of 12,481 jobs in the district.


From the, 8,159 or 22.7% were Roman Catholic, while 19,512 or 54.3% belonged to the Swiss Reformed Church. Of the rest of the population, there were 30 individuals who belonged to the Christian Catholic faith.


Of the school age population, there are 2,711 students attending primary school, there are 1,174 students attending secondary school, there are 755 students attending tertiary or university level schooling, and there are 12 students who are seeking a job after school in the municipality.
