
AAC Kulturanova is a non-government, non-profit organization aimed at popularization and affirmation of art and cultural spirit. It was founded in May 2001. in Novi Sad. Organization was founded as an umbrella organization for various non-formal independent art groups, individuals and young artists from Novi Sad. Kulturanova organization focuses its development on urban youth culture and raising awareness on relevant social issues, with the vision of building creative platforms for youth of Novi Sad and region.


Association kulturanova formed in 1999. but it was 2001. when the organization officially registered. Basic idea behind the organization was to create an umbrella organization for all young people that were exhausted by the ongoing situation in Serbia during the 1990s. The harsh period of sanctions imposed by the United Nations during the 1990s left most young artists without opportunities to show their work in cultural institutions of the time. To this day Kulturanova worked on projects in the field of arts, theatre, design, graffiti, street culture and cultural politics.

Projects and Activities

The basic categories of Kulturanova organization activities are: festivals/events, lectures/conferences and workshops/seminars. Through these basic fields of work, Kulturanova tries to create more open cultural climate. It is done through promoting cultural diversity and tolerant attitude among young people. Also, organization promotes cultural rights as an integral part of human rights. Majority projects are realized through partnerships with many organizations from the region as well as from European Union. Projects developed by the Kulturanova organization during the period 2001–2010 cover the field of arts, theatre, design, graffiti, street culture and cultural politics.