Kumbh Karan

Kumbh Karan is an Indian-animated television series broadcast by the Indian kids channel Pogo. The show was released on 1 June 2010. The show earned a budget of more than $300,000.


The show centers on the adventures of Kumbh and Karan, two twin brothers who stay in the small colony of Ajab-Gajabpur. Kumbh is chubby, lazy, sleepy, and hungry, but awfully strong with a real soft heart. Karan, on the other hand, is an agile, sharp and better version of his twin. With their friend Tara, and Kumbh's pet porcupine Kaddu, the twins travel worldwide on various quests.


The cartoon was aired on Hiru TV, in Sri Lanka with the name "Kadiyay Thadiyay".