Kurd Ahmet Izzet Pasha

Kurd Ahmet Izzet Pasha, an Ottoman Kurd, governor and minister, was the son of Husein Pasha, half brother of Said Pasha Kurd and uncle of Şerif Pasha and Kurd Fuad Pasha. An outspoken opponent of Turkish nationalism, and a supporter of his nephew's Şerif Pasha's Ottoman Entente Liberale party. He wielded some influence over the Kurdish population of Constantinople, served as Vali of Van from 1912 to 1913, became Vali of Aidin Vilayet on 14 March 1919, and was appointed Minister of Evkaf and interim minister of the Interior on 29 January 1919. He had to take refuge in the British embassy after supporting the Greek community of Izmir. He ordered his Ottoman troops to not resist allied and greek troops under the instruction of his nephew Şerif Pasha, and shouted 'Zito Venizelos! long live'. He was called a British collaborator by the Kemalists and given the nickname Kambur by them. The report of the Inter-Allied Commission of Inquiry of 1919 found that he treated all inhabitants impartially regardless of race and had resorted peace to the region.