Kuttoor (Thiruvalla)

Kuttoor is a village in Pathanamthitta district in the Indian state of Kerala.Kuttoor panchayathu which is under Thiruvalla assembly constituency and Pulikkizhu block panchayathu.


This village has 12.16 square kilometer consist of 14 wards. Boundaries are Eraviperoor Panchayathu, Kadalimangalam River, Manimalayar and Varattar.Early years Kuttoor was in Kollam district and later Alappuzha District and now it under Pathanamthitta.


Total area is 1203 hectors and total population 18433 as per 2001 census.


Kuttoor was a capital of Thekkumkoor Kingdom. Dritharashramala, Kottappuram, Bhoothakkuzhi,Chakrashalanakkadavu are the historically relevant places which were in Kuttoor.The name Kuttoor came from Kottayoor-Kottoor.


has a depot at Tiruvalla which is one among the 29 major depots in the state.Its 4 km from Kuttoor. KSRTC operates long distance and interstate bus services from the Tiruvalla depot. KSRTC operates daily Interstate Airbus service to Bangalore from Tiruvalla.
Tiruvalla railway station and Chenagannur railway station are near to Kuttoor.Thiruvalla railway station is the sole railway station in Pathanamthitta district. Both stations are only 4 km from Kuttoor. Most trains stop here. Another major railway station is Kottayam railway station which is 25 km from Kuttoor. The nearest airports are Cochin International Airport and Trivandrum airport.


The topography of Kuttoor comprises plains, paddy fields, and small ranges. There are paddy fields in Ottam Etukadavu and Kothavithiruthi. Main crops are paddy, coconut, cassava, sugarcane, banana, and pepper. The main water source of the village is Manamalayar. There are smaller sources of water like Varattar, Madhurampuzha, Kadhalimangalathar and Ettukadavu stream.


The current Panchayathu President is Sreelekha Reghunath and panchayathu under control of Bharatiya Janata Party. Cheriyan C Thomas is the Vice-President. Out of 14 wards, 6 seat won by BJP, Communist Party of India 3, Left Independent 2, Congress 1, KC 1
Current MLA is Adv.Mathew T Thomas. He is currently the minister for water resources in Government of Kerala, State President and Legislature Party Leader of the Janata Dal.
Current MP Pathanamthitta is Anto Antony

Notable personalities

