Kyabaggu of Buganda

Kyabaggu Kabinuli was Kabaka of the Kingdom of Buganda from 1750 until 1780. He was the twenty-fifth Kabaka of Buganda.

Claim to the throne

He was the third son of Prince Musanje Golooba. His mother was Nabulya Naluggwa of the Ndiga clan, the second of his father's three wives. He ascended to the throne upon the abdication of his elder brother Kabaka Namuggala Kagali in 1750. He established his capital at Lubya Hill.

Married life

He is recorded to have married twenty wives:
  1. Gwolyoowa, daughter Mwamba?, of the Lugave clan
  2. Kiriibwa, daughter of Sebugulu, of the Lugave clan
  3. Magota, daughter of Namukoka, of the Mamba clan
  4. Misinga, daughter of Natiigo, of the Lugave clan
  5. Mbigidde, daughter of Terwewalwa, of the Nvuma clan
  6. Nabiweke, daughter of Seggiriinya, of the Ngo clan
  7. Nabugere, daughter of Sekayiba, of the Ffumbe clan
  8. Nagalaale, daughter of Lule, of the Ngonge clan
  9. Naabakyaala Najjemba, the Omubikka, daughter of Lule, of the Ngonge clan
  10. Nalubimbi, daughter of Namwaama, of the Kkobe clan
  11. Nalugooti, daughter of Masembe, of the Nsenene clan
  12. Nalunga, daughter of Lugunju, of the Nvuma clan
  13. Nalwondooba, daughter of Nankere, of the Mamba clan
  14. Namayanja, daughter of Budde, of the Mamba clan. She killed her husband in a rage in 1750, prior to marrying the Kabaka.
  15. Nambooze, daughter of Namwaama, of the Kkobe clan
  16. Nankanja, daughter of Nakabalira, of the Nvuma clan
  17. Nanteza, daughter of Kakembo, of the Njovu clan
  18. Nfambe, daughter of Sekayiba, of the Ffumbe clan
  19. Nanzigu
  20. Nakalyoowa.


Kabaka Kyabaggu fathered many children. Among his children are the following:
  1. Prince Sanya, whose mother was Misinga
  2. Prince Mbajjwe, whose mother was Nabugere
  3. Prince Saku, whose mother was Nalubimbi
  4. Prince Wango, whose mother was Nalwondooba
  5. Prince Kalema, whose mother was Nambooze. He contested the succession on the death of his father. Defeated by his brother, Jjunju, and fled to Bunyoro
  6. Prince Kibuli
  7. Prince Kigoye, whose mother was Nambooze
  8. Prince Lubambula.
  9. Prince Mukama. He rebelled against his half-brother, Kabaka Jjunju. He was killed by his half-brother, Prince Semakookiro, after 1780.
  10. Prince Wakayima. Prince Wakayima was the father of Prince Sewaya.
  11. Kabaka Junju Sendegeya, Kabaka of Buganda from 1780 to 1797, whose mother was Nanteza.
  12. Kabaka Semakookiro Wasajja Nabbunga, Kabaka of Buganda between 1797 and 1814, whose mother was Nanteza.
  13. Prince Sekafuuwa, whose mother was Namayanja. He was killed in battle at Mulago, by his half-brother, Prince Wakayima, in 1780.
  14. Prince Kiribatta, whose mother was Namayanja. He was killed in battle at Mulago, by his half-brother, Kabaka Jjunju, in 1780.
  15. Prince Kikunta, whose mother was Namayanja. He was killed in battle at Mulago, by his half-brother, Kabaka Junju, in 1780.
  16. Princess Nsekere, whose mother was Gwolyoowa
  17. Princess Nalukwaakula, whose mother was Nagalaale
  18. Princess Nakayiza
  19. Princess Zansanze, whose mother was Nanteza

    The final years

Kabaka Kyabaggu was killed by Kikoso, valet to Nakirindisa, at Namubiru, in 1780. He was initially buried at Mereera. In 1869, his remains were exhumed and re-buried at Kyebando.

Succession table