
Kyauktaw is a town in northern Rakhine State, in the westernmost part of Myanmar. The famous Mahamuni Buddha image was originally situated near Kyauktaw, in the ruins of the old city of Dhanyawadi.


Kyauktaw is situated from the north of Sittwe, the capital city of Rakhine State. It is located approximately between latitudes 20° 37' north and 21° 11' north and longitudes 92° 50' east and 93° 88' east from the north of Kaladan River. The Kispanadi Bridge is located at the entrance to Kyauktaw, traversing the Kaladan River.


The area of Kyauktaw Township is nearly. Kyauktaw is bordered by Mrauk U, around from the east, Buthidaung, around from the west, Ponnagyun, from the south and Pallawa Township of Chin State, around from the north. It stretches from east to west and from north to south.


  1. Kaladan River
  2. Pi Chung
  3. Priang Chung
  4. Thari Chung
  5. Pigauk Chung
  6. Yoo Chung
  7. Minne Chung
  8. Ywar Ma Pyin


Kyauktaw has three seasons; the monsoon or rainy season is from May to October; the cool season or winter from November to February and the hot season or summer from March to May. The average temperature range during the summer is from 32 to 40 °C. The average rainfall range during the rainy season is from 431 to 482 centimeters.
There was a flood in July 2011.


Kyauktaw has many sugar mills and sugar-cane plantations.

Religious buildings

  1. Buddhist monasteries
  2. # Downtown
  3. # Uptown
  4. Mosques
  5. # Downtown
  6. # Uptown
  7. Churches
  8. # Downtown
  9. # Uptown
  10. Hindu temple
  11. # Downtown