Wurmser was born in Zurich. He was the author of more than 350 scientific papers, 15 books, and several book chapters and essays. His works deal with issues of masochism and depression, focusing on problems of shame, guilt, resentment, and the "archaic superego," both in the individual and in culture, religion, and history. Wurmser has written papers and one book on Judaism: The World of Ideas and Values of Judaism: A Psychoanalytic View. He also dealt with the understanding and treatment of drug addicts, drawing on his experience running drug rehabilitation programs for addicts. In recent years, he has published several papers and one book on jealousy and envy, in partnership with German psychoananalyst Dr. Heidrun Jarass. His approach to psychoanalysis was Freudian. His major works, published in English and German, include The Mask Of Shame, published in 1981 and frequently reprinted; "The Hidden Dimension: Psychodynamics of Compulsive Drug Use " on the psychodynamics of drug addiction; The Power of the Inner Judge ; and Torment Me, But Don't Abandon Me: Psychoanalysis of the Severe Neuroses in a New Key . In 2004, Wurmser was awarded the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association's Journal Prize for a paper titled Psychoanalytic Reflections on 9/11, Terrorism and Genocidal Prejudice: Roots and Sequels. He resided in Towson, Maryland, where he maintained a private practice. He supervised colleagues in the United States and in Europe in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. He lectured in Europe and was an honorary member of a number of psychoanalytic societies in Germany and in Austria.
Wurmser, L. "The Power of the Inner Judge: Psychodynamic Treatment of the Severe Neuroses" 0765701774
Wurmser, Leon. "Das Rätsel des Masochismus" 3540637397
Wurmser, Leon. "Raubmörder and Räuber, Kriminalistik," 1959
Wurmser, Leon. "The Hidden Dimension" : Psychodynamics in Compulsive Drug Use" 0876683081
Wurmser, Leon, co-editor with G. Balis et al. "Psychiatric Foundations of Medicine" Volumes I - VI.
*translated into German as "Die Maske der Scham" Berlin: Springer, 1990)
Wurmser, Leon. "Flucht vor dem Gewissen" –– Analyse von Über-Ich und Abwehr bei schweren Neurosen, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1987, 1993, V & R 2000
Wurmser, Leon. "Die zerbrochene Wirklichkeit –– Psychoanalyse als das Studium von Konflikt und Komplementarität" Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1989, 1993, V & R 2001/2002
Wurmser, Leon. "Die Maske der Scham" Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, March, 1990, 1993, 1997
Wurmser, Leon. "Das Rätsel des Masochismus" 1993, Springer-Verlag Die verborgene Dimension: 1997 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Wurmser, Leon. "The Hidden Dimension"
Wurmser, Leon. "Magische Verwandlung und tragische Verwandlung. Die Behandlung der schweren Neurose." Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1999
Wurmser, Leon. "Die eigenen verborgensten Dunkelgänge." Mit Fr. H. Gidion. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1999
Wurmser, Leon. "The Power of the Inner Judge." Jason Aronson, 2000
Wurmser, Leon. "Flight from Conscience"
Wurmser, Leon. "Ideen- und Wertewelt des Judentums. Eine psychoanalytische Sicht." Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001
Wurmser, Leon and Heidrun Jarass: "Jealousy and Envy –– New Views about Two Powerful Feelings." Monograph, Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Francis & Taylor; 2007