LGBT rights in Afghanistan

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan face legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Members of the LGBTQ+ community are forced to keep their gender identity and sexual orientation a secret in fear of harassment, intimidation, persecution, and death. The religious nature of the nation and a lack of public education on the subject has limited any opportunity for public discussion, with any mention of homosexuality and related terms deemed taboo. Afghanistan's Constitution establishes the prominence of Sharia law as a precursor to all other laws, policies, and regulations, allowing for religious interpretations by the State in prohibiting all forms of same-sex sexual activity. Although the Penal Code of 1976 was reinstated after the American invasion of 2001, the country's new Penal Code of 2017 came into force on February 14, 2018. The new Penal Code outlines and prohibits specific activities of a sexual nature, and is considered to disproportionately affect members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Legality of same-sex sexual activity

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Penal Code

The Penal Code of 1976 was reinstated after the U.S. operation in the region, and it has several provisions that could apply LGBT people.
This Penal Code has been replaced by the Penal Code Of 2018.

Sharia law

The Constitution stipulates that Afghanistan is an Islamic republic, so it is possible for LGBT people in Afghanistan to be charged with violating Shariah law. This could happen in lieu of, or in addition to charges being brought under the penal code. Shariah law based punishment is more likely to occur in isolated, rural communities where private citizens and vigilant groups seek to punish anyone who does not follow strict Islamic morals.
In the cities, persons convicted of homosexuality are generally sentenced to prison. In 2004, an American advisor to the Afghanistan government was arrested and sentenced to a prison sentence for homosexual activities with an Afghan man. Other news reports have also noted that other men have been imprisoned for such engaging in same-sex sexual behavior.

Contested territories

Territory controlled by Al-Qaeda is ruled by a strict interpretation of Islamic or Sharia law. All sexual behavior outside of a lawful Islamic marriage is illegal, with the maximum punishment being death.
;Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
When the Taliban gained control of the country in the 1990s they criminalized all sexual relationships outside of the heterosexual marriage, and would often publicly execute men and women for committing fornication and adultery and for engaging in sodomy.
In 1994, the Taliban supreme leader, Mullah Omar, saved a boy from being sodomized by two feuding generals in Kandahar and when he was subsequently given control of the city he decreed that both violent and mutually consensual sodomy would be capital crimes.

Recognition of same-sex relationships

The Afghanistan Law of Marriages stipulates that a legal marriage must be between two Muslim adults of the opposite sex, and that it must meet the rules of Islamic law. While the law does not explicitly address the issue of same-sex couples, Article 41 of the Marriage Law stipulates that where the law is silent on a particular issue, it shall be decided based on the principles of Islamic law. Hence, Afghanistan family law does not recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnerships. Likewise, the Afghanistan Law on Marriages, Weddings and Circumcision speaks of marriage as something between a Muslim man and woman and states that marriages must follow Islamic law.
Article 430 states that it shall be treated as "Instigation of Delinquency" if an adult promotes or assists in the act of minors being involved in the act of adultery, homosexuality or prostitution.

Discrimination protections

As of 2009, no law exists in Afghanistan to address discrimination or harassment on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. In response to foreign inquiries, the Afghan Social Democratic Party stated that it "favored an international effort to fight the AIDS-HIV pandemic, but that homosexuality and same-sex marriages are opposed by all great religions." No political party or interest group has expressed support for LGBT rights.
Afghanistan law currently prohibits a political party, interest group or social club from advocating anything that is in opposition to Islamic morality. Absent a change in the law, it is unlikely that a political or social organization advocating LGBT rights will be permitted to exist and promote its viewpoints.

Social attitudes

Afghanistan's population is over 99% Muslim, and the country's Constitution stipulates that Islam shall be the official religion. Homosexuality and cross-dressing are widely seen as taboo and indecent activities, owing to traditional Islamic views concerning appropriate gender roles and sexual conduct.
When publicly discussed, homosexuality is often linked with prostitution and pedophilia and the level of awareness about sexual orientation or gender identity is limited. In 2011, Afghan news reporters interviewed men who had LGBT-pride symbols on their vehicles, to find out that the men were unaware of the meaning of the rainbow flags and stickers, thinking that it was just another western fad, and began quickly removing the rainbows to avoid being seen as a LGBT people or supporters of LGBT rights.
The US Marine Corps' handbook for Operational Culture for Deploying Personnel states that "homosexual behavior is relatively common, but taboo, in rural Afghanistan, because there are no other outlets
for normal sexual energies."
In 2012, Nemat Sadat, a former professor of political science at American University of Afghanistan, mobilized a LGBT movement and on August 22, 2013, he became the first public figure to come out as gay and campaign for gender freedom and sexual liberation. Sadat is considered to have broken the taboos on cross-dressing and homosexuality in Afghanistan.

Homosexual practices with boys

Militia members generally do not have access to women, so boys are sometimes kidnapped to be humiliated and raped by adult men. Other boys become prostitutes for adult men, regardless of their sexual orientation.
These men involved are sometimes called bacha bazi in Persian and seem to flourish in the big cities of Afghanistan, possibly due to poverty and the strict social taboos surrounding interaction between men and women. A law has been enacted prohibiting Afghan soldiers from having their "ashna" live with them.
In 2007, reports stated that the practice of bacha bazi is still prevalent in parts of northern Afghanistan. This practice involves teenage boys being dressed in women's clothing and made to participate in dance competitions and engage in sexual acts.


Prior to 2003, little or no HIV-AIDS education or treatment existed. As of 2008, the official number of people living with HIV-AIDS is 504, although the actual number is suspected of being higher, possibly in the thousands. Low literacy rates, weak infrastructure and traditional social mores make it difficult to introduce comprehensive public health education initiatives.
Thus far, the bulk of the available resources have focused on fighting drug addiction and, to a lesser extent, the commercial sex industry. Yet, what little is reportedly being said about sexuality is in the promotion of abstinence-only sex education programs.
In 2009, the first HIV-AIDS treatment center opened up in Kabul, with more clinics promised to open soon. Access to anti-retroviral drugs is, at best, limited and preventive initiatives often conflict with deep-rooted taboos. Efforts are being made to educate local and religious leaders in the hopes that they can legitimize greater public education.
Legally, Article 373 of the Afghanistan criminal code stipulates that a person that spreads a "dangerous disease" by accident shall be fined, but if the disease results in death or permanent disability the punishment shall be the same as if it were an accidental murder.''


Article 32 of the Afghanistan Press Law Edict prohibits publications from promoting "incitement to depravity." Likewise Article 27 of the Afghanistan Postal Law prohibits the usage of the postal service to exchange material that is "repugnant to public decency and morals." These two provisions could be used to censor the distribution of materials advocating LGBT rights or the general topic of sexual orientation and gender identity issues.
In 2009, an Afghan man named Hamid Zaher published his memoir titled, "It is your enemy who is dock-tailed". In the book, Zaher talks about growing up gay in Afghanistan, and how he eventually had to leave his country to avoid anti-gay discrimination. Because the memoir deals with homosexuality and is critical of homophobia, it cannot be distributed in Afghanistan itself, and Zaher's family has cut off all contact with him.

Human rights reports

2017 United States Department of State report

In 2017, the United States Department of State reported the following, concerning the status of LGBT rights in Afghanistan:
"The law criminalizes consensual same-sex sexual conduct, and there were reports of harassment and violence by society and police. The law does not prohibit discrimination or harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Homosexuality was widely seen as taboo and indecent. Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex community did not have access to certain health services and could be fired from their jobs because of their sexual orientation. Organizations devoted to protecting the freedom of LGBTI persons remained underground because they could not legally register with the government. Members of the LGBTI community reported they continued to face discrimination, assault, rape, and arrest by security forces and society at large."

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