Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the Navajo Nation, the largest indigenous sovereign state in the United States, face legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Same-sex sexual activity is legal, but same-sex unions are not recognized. As with many Native American nations, traditional Navajo belief includes a two-spirit conception of gender-variant individuals and accepts two-spirited individuals as valid members of the community. Nádleehi refers to individuals who are a "male-bodied person with a feminine nature". Historically, the Navajo recognized four gender roles: asdzáán, hastíín, dilbaa, and nádleehi. The nádleehi identity is fluid, and such individuals may display both male and female characteristics. Due to the perceived "balance" between both sexes, they were typically chosen for certain societal and communal roles, such as spiritual healers. They would traditionally wear female clothes and do female work, and some would have sexual relations with men which was accepted by the tribe. Opposition to homosexuality and gender-fluidity was introduced by Christian missionaries and the US federal government, specifically through the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Currently, the suicide attempt rate for Navajo LGBT youths is three times that of white LGBT youths. Because of the generational change in attitudes, Navajo LGBT youths may face opposition from their parents' generation but find acceptance from their grandparents. Same-sex marriage is not valid under Navajo law, even if performed in a jurisdiction such as Arizona where it is legal. Because of this, same-sex couples do not have the rights accorded by the tribal government to opposite-sex married couples. Same-sex marriage is explicitly prohibited by the Diné Marriage Act, an amendment to the tribal code enacted on April 22, 2005. The act was vetoed by then–Navajo President Joe Shirley, Jr., but the veto was overridden by the Navajo Nation Council. In the run-up to the 2018 elections, both Shirley and his opponent, Jonathan Nez, said they strongly supported a repeal of the act, and Shirley said they had 14 of the 16 votes needed on the council for repeal.
Endorsement of the Equality Act as federal legislation
On August 12, 2019, the Law and Order Committee of the Navajo Nation Council approved a resolution by Delegate Nathaniel Brown to endorse the Equality Act in Congress as federal legislation in a 2-1 vote. Alray Nelson, the founder of Diné Equality praised the legislation, calling it "a major step forward." “This is the first time the Navajo government and its leaders had a deeper conversation about protecting our LGBTQ, two-spirit relatives,” Nelson said. “Today was a major step forward because it sends an inclusive message to our community members that Navajo Nation is ready to have this conversation.” The resolution will next go to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee and then the Naa'bik’iyati’ committee. On August 27, 2019, the legislation passed the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, sending it to the Naabik'íyáti' Committee for approval by the Navajo Nation Council. On September 5, 2019, the Navajo Nation, through official action of the Naabik'íyáti' Committee, approved support for the Equality Act with 16 votes in favor and 0 opposed. The passage of the legislation authorizes the Speaker of the Council, President of the Navajo Nation, and the Navajo Nation Washington Office and its designees to advocate support for the Equality Act to the United States Congress. Alray Nelson, Diné Pride Executive Director said in a statement "The Navajo Nation should be proud today for this historic action taken by our tribal lawmakers. It sends an inclusive message to our LGBTQ+ youth that their Nation is inclusive and they should be proud to be who they are. It is now time that we repeal the discriminatory Diné Marriage Act and treat our LGBTQ+ family members with respect and compassion. They are our relatives & Navajo law should reflect it.” Kayenta Council Delegate Nathaniel Brown, sponsor of the legislation said, “When speaking of kinship & relationship to each other, Navajo speaks of compassion & respect. The Equality Act is a giant step in allowing LGBTQ+ communities to be free from discrimination, to be protected from injurious practices & to achieve the full pursuit of happiness as citizens of our Sovereign Nation.”