La Hora Chanante is a Spanish comedy television show aired through the cable/satellite local version of the Paramount Comedy channel. Each episode is a half hour long and consists of a series of unrelated sketches and a story featuring some celebrity which helps keep continuity throughout the program. Episodes used to be released on a monthly basis until 2006, when the show was discontinued. However, reruns are aired frequently through Paramount Comedy as well as Localia, and in December 2007, Paramount Comedy Spain and Universal Pictures launched a pack of two DVDs with the best moments of "La Hora Chanante" and some extras, an unreleased, deleted scenes, stickers and a comic drawn by Joaquín Reyes. It was created and directed by comedian from Albacete Joaquín Reyes, who also played the celebrities portrayed in each episode, thus serving as a show host. Many of the show's cutscenes were drawn by Lalo Kubala and Carlos Areces, both known for their work in the Spanish satire magazine El Jueves. The staff responsible for La Hora Chanante started in September 2007 a new show with a similar format in the public channel La 2, called Muchachada Nui.
Each one of the programs consists of more or less stable sections, plus some varied sketches. The main ones would be :
Testimonios : impressions of celebrities, usually old-fashioned, who monologues an autobiography in a humorous tone, and tends to speak using a thick manchego accent. Also, the character whose impression is made in the Testimonials section of the program is the presenter of the program the following month.
Retrospecter: Made out of images taken from old black and white films and TV shows without license, which is dubbed with commentaries in the line of the program, taking advantage of the situations for the original plot. This is a stable section in the program, and honors the habitual character of Caesar Romero.
CÑÑ: the character Eduardo Torrijos, interpreted by Joaquín Reyes, is a parody of a special broadcaster of an informative, informing about the news for channel "CÑÑ TV" parody of CNN TV, but with the letter Ñ, mostly used in the Spanish language.
Doctor Alce : Two animation characters drawn by Joaquín Reyes and Señor Cabeza carry out conversations about TV themes, such as Batman series, starred by Adam West.
Economía Chanante y el Payaso : In his first stage the Clown with Chanante Economy gave financial advice, and then a variety of other themes, always carried out by the Clown, with a tacky sense of humor that characterizes him.
El Gañán : Section similar to the one of the Clown in which "el Gañán" explains, in its unique way, some subjects like immigration, hospitality, miracles, modern art, etc., and even gives lessons like a Curso de Tollinas in which it teaches how to slap people in the neck in the correct way or Cómo hablar en gañán, his own way to speak Spanish.
Superñoño: Animation series created by Joaquín Reyes in which a "superhero" who most of the time is "asobinado" in the bed explains his superpowers to us and his personal "adventures".
Hever versus Clever: the bloopers of the program and the final section of it.
El Rincón de Agnes : Joaquín Reyes interprets Agnes, that makes commentaries about fictional books, for example "El Hombre que meó Coca-Cola".
Bizcoché y Ojos de Huever: Another animation created by Joaquín Reyes, with two kind of American rednecks that engage in an absurd conversation.
Minutos musicales : Animation created by Carlos Areces, it's a kind of humorous and bizarre music video clip.