La Nocturna, is a Colombian telenovela created by Diego Ezequiel Vivanco and Ana María Parra, from a screenplay by Ana María Parra. The series revolves around the student life of several characters who, due to circumstances of life, could never finish their dreams of having graduated from university, so everyone ends up attending Graham University, a night university where each of the characters will fulfill their dreams with the help of Esther and Mario. On 3 February 2018, Caracol Televisión confirmed that the series would be renewed for a second season. The production of the second season began in September 2019, and it premiered on 7 January 2020.
The series revolves around millions of students in the world who turn to night education as the only way to get ahead. They will be represented by Amelia, Muriel, Luis Herney, Faber, Ingrid, Germán, Alejandro and Doña Pilar, who study a technical career at Graham University, with the illusion of fulfilling the dream of obtaining an academic degree that opens the doors in the labor market to improve their quality of life. These eight characters will find countless obstacles, personal and professional, that will test their ability to get ahead in the midst of family, work and economic obligations that they must overcome if they want to become future business managers. Amelia, mother and wife; Muriel, a former secretary; Luis Herney, former convict who works in a workshop; Germán, a peasant boy newly arrived in the city; Faber and Ingrid, two chefs who dream of creating their own restaurant and Doña Pilar, a woman of almost 70 years. They will meet every night in a classroom with the conviction that it is never too late to start over.
Mario and Esther return to La Graham another year to complete a new semester in which they plan to inaugurate a new career: Law. In the classrooms, the lives of seven students will be crossed: Don Mariano, a retired accountant who feels that it is never too late to fulfill his dream of becoming a lawyer; Alberto, escort of an important magistrate; Margarita, mother and wife who wants to show that she can also be a great professional. El Tanque, a soccer player in the twilight of his career; Valery, an immigrant who arrives in the country in search of new opportunities; Karen, a young woman who wants to do justice, and Cristian, a millennial who sees in Law the opportunity to earn money. In a country that tops the list with the largest number of lawyers in the world, La Graham students and professors will overcome personal, work and economic obstacles, with the dream of graduating from professionals who can improve justice that is not always favorable.
The first episode of the telenovela averaged a total of 7.5 million viewers, thus obtaining fifth place as the least-watched show in Colombia. Despite having obtained a lower average than expected from the telenovela, over the months he managed to improve his average. The final episode obtained a total of 12.0 million viewers, thus becoming the most watched program on 31 October 2017, and occupying the first place in the Caracol Televisión productions and nationwide. The Eligio Palacio website, compared production with others such as Francisco el matemático. He also praised the stories of the characters and the dialogues, stating that the series was reminiscent of the works of Bernardo Romero Pereiro. While the newspaper El Espectador, he emphasized it as "An endearing telenovela". For its part, the Entretengo portal described it as "the best of 2017", after confirming a second season, the portal stressed that it was unnecessary to do another season, indicating that "The second parts have never been good".