La Voz de Chincha

La Voz de Chincha was a daily evening newspaper published from Chincha Alta, Peru. The newspaper was founded in 1924. Politically, it was supportive of the different governments in power during its existence. It carried the byline Diario independiente defensor de los intereses de la provincia.
Luis A. Bianchi, Víctor Nagaro Bianchi and Ernesto Velit Ruiz served as directors of the newspaper. As of the late 1950s, it had a circulation of around 3,000. It had its own printing press. Its office was located at Colón 119, Chincha Alta. Issues of La Voz de Chincha carried between 4 and 8 pages, with a size of 45 x 36 centrimetres. As of the mid 1940s, it was sold at 10 centavos.