La bella vita

La bella vita is a 1994 Italian comedy drama film. The film premiered at the 51st Venice International Film Festival. It is the debut film of Paolo Virzì, who won the David di Donatello for Best New Director and the Nastro d'Argento in the same category.


Bruno and Mirella get married in 1989 and live in the little town of Piombino seems to be a bed of roses. After a while Bruno gets the sack, while Brunella takes up with a local tv idol, Gerry Fumo. When she realizes that Bruno can’t stand being on the dole, she repents and wants to leave Gerry. It is too late: Bruno has found out everything and asks her to leave. After a while they take up another time, but they soon realize that their love story has ended. Mirella goes back to her parents' house and begins to work in a kindergarten, while Bruno finds a job at the local beach. The two begin to exchange a tender correspondence.
