Ladies' Man (1947 film)

Ladies' Man is a 1947 American comedy film directed by William D. Russell and written by Edmund Beloin, Jack Rose and Lewis Meltzer. The film stars Eddie Bracken, Cass Daley, Virginia Welles, Spike Jones, Johnny Coy and Virginia Field. The film was released on February 7, 1947, by Paramount Pictures.



A. W. of The New York Times said, "Whatever may be one's opinion about Ladies Man, it cannot be said that Eddie Bracken, its star, is miscast. For this singularly simple little item from Paramount, which began a stand at the Gotham on Saturday, makes full use of Mr. Bracken's cherubic appearance. As a bumpkin from Badger, Okla., who suddenly becomes an oil millionaire and comes to New York for the inevitable fling, Mr. Bracken is to the manner born. He is a reluctant Romeo—shy, gullible and frustrated. But the ensuing yarn about his involvements with a radio program and several predatory females, is corn from the bottom of the crib. The chuckles in this comedy are widely spaced and hardly keep pace with its tedium."