Lagos Fashion Week

Lagos Fashion Week is an annual multi-day fashion event founded in 2011 by Omoyemi Akerele. Lagos Fashion Week is a fashion platform that drives the Nigerian and ultimately, the African fashion industry; by bringing together buyers, consumers and the media to view the current collections of designers in the fashion capital of Lagos, Nigeria.
As a leading fashion event on the African fashion calendar, LFWNG leads the way with initiatives that supports, strengthens and develops the fashion industry. Beyond the runway, the annual event provides a physical platform that’s gradually repositioning fashion as a useful tool for commerce and creativity in Nigeria.
LFWNG has also expanded its scope of works by creating two main platforms that run concurrently with Fashion week - Fashion Business Series and Fashion Focus. The former offering industry master classes and the latter providing incubation support for emerging talents. LFWNG also advocates for the industry with the government as well as potential investors.
The Multi-day fashion week first took place in 2011 and was well received by both Nigerian designers and fashion enthusiasts. The 2012 event was organized by MTN Group and the 2018 event is being sponsored by Heineken, Other sponsors include British Council, and Fetswallet.
The platform aims to cut across geographic and culture barriers and position itself as a business of fashion and design event targeted at showcasing the best of the fashion and design industry, drive the fashion in Nigeria industry and ultimately uplift its profile within the economy.
The fashion and exhibition event features: Runway shows featuring new season collections from the best talents in the fashion industry; exhibitions featuring fashion products and accessories, textiles, design elements, photography and art installations workshops and master classes that will facilitate knowledge transfer, information exchange and networking opportunities across board.