Lakatos Award

The Lakatos Award is given annually for an outstanding contribution to the philosophy of science, widely interpreted. The contribution must be in the form of a book published in English during the previous six years.
The Award is in memory of Imre Lakatos and has been endowed by the Latsis Foundation. It is administered by the following committee:
The Committee makes the Award on the advice of an independent and anonymous panel of selectors. The value of the Award is £10,000.
To take up an Award a successful candidate must visit the LSE and deliver a public lecture.


The Award has so far been won by:
;1986 - Bas Van Fraassen
;and Hartry Field
;1987 - Michael Friedman
;and Philip Kitcher
;1988 - Michael Redhead
;1989 - John Earman
;1991 - Elliott Sober
;1993 - Peter Achinstein
;and Alexander Rosenberg
;1994 - Michael Dummett
;1995 - Lawrence Sklar
;1996 - Abner Shimony
;1998 - Jeffrey Bub
;and Deborah Mayo
;1999 - Brian Skyrms
;2001 - Judea Pearl
;2002 - Penelope Maddy
;2003 - Patrick Suppes
;2004 - Kim Sterelny
;2005 - James Woodward
;2006 - Harvey Brown
;and Hasok Chang
;2008 - Richard Healey
;2009 -Samir Okasha
;2010 - Peter Godfrey-Smith
;2012 - Wolfgang Spohn
;2013 - Laura Ruetsche
;and David Wallace
;2014 - Gordon Belot
;and David Malament
;2015 - Thomas Pradeu
;2016 - Brian Epstein
;2018 - Sabina Leonelli
;and Craig Callender
;2019 - Henk W. de Regt