Lake Chany

Lake Chany is one of the largest lakes in Russia. It is a shallow, hyposaline lake that has a fluctuating water level, which can change from season to season and year to year. A variety of ecosystems that surround the lake include a mixture of wetlands, salt marshes, and a mixture of birch and aspen forests. Lake Chany in particular is critically important for the migratory birds of Siberia, and is listed as a Ramsar Site of International Importance.
The depth of the lake is mainly 1–2 m, but it can reach 8 m in some places.
The lake is located in five districts of the Novosibirsk Oblast: Zdvinsky, Barabinsky, Chanovsky, Kupinsky and Chistoozyorny.


There are about 70 islands on the lake: Amelkina Griva, Shuldikov, Lezhan, Medvezhy, Colpachok, Chinyaikha, Cheryomukhovy, Uzkoredky, Cheryomushkin, Kobyly, Perekopny, Bekarev, Kalinova, Shipyagin, Krugly, Kolotov, Kamyshny etc.


Severe storms are frequent on Chany, during a powerful wind, high waves occur on the surface of the lake.

Legend of the monster

According to the legend, a giant creature lives in the lake, which devours cattle and people.