Lambda Ceti

Lambda Ceti, Latinized from λ Ceti, is B-type star of fifth-magnitude located in the constellation Cetus. Historically, the star bore the traditional name Menkar, although today that name is more commonly associated with α Ceti.
This star, along with α Cet, γ Cet, δ Cet, μ Cet, ξ1 Cet and ξ2 Cet were Al Kaff al Jidhmah, "the Part of a Hand".
In Chinese, 天囷, meaning Circular Celestial Granary, refers to an asterism consisting of λ Ceti, α Ceti, κ1 Ceti, μ Ceti, ξ1 Ceti, ξ2 Ceti, ν Ceti, γ Ceti, δ Ceti, 75 Ceti, 70 Ceti, 63 Ceti and 66 Ceti. Consequently, the Chinese name for λ Ceti itself is 天囷三


Lambda Ceti is a blue giant star with stellar classification B6III. With a mass between and an estimated radius that is, the star radiates a bolometric luminosity of about. In 1997 the Hipparcos satellite estimated its parallax at 7.69 ± 0.76 milliarcseconds yielding a distance from Earth of about 130 ± 10 parsecs or 420 ± 40 light years. However recent astrometric calculations by van Leeuwen have placed the distance much farther at about 177 ± 7 pc or 580 ± 20 ly—a revaluation which significantly altered other stellar parameters. Its apparent magnitude has been recently recalibrated at 4.6767 yielding an absolute magnitude of -1.56, almost as bright as its neighbor Alpha Ceti at -1.62.