Lands inhabited by indigenous peoples

The lands inhabited by indigenous peoples receive different treatments around the world. Many countries have specific legislation, definitions, nomenclature, objectives, etc., for such lands. To protect indigenous land rights, special rules are sometimes created to protect the areas they live in. In other cases, governments establish "reserves" with the intention of segregation. Some indigenous peoples live in places where their right to land is not recognised, or not effectively protected.

By country

In Australia

Date EstablishedEstablished byIndigenous PeoplesPrevious Status'''
Sirionó Indigenous Territory52,408.71 haSupreme Decree 22609Sirionó
Isiboro Sécure National Park and Indigenous TerritoryCochabamba/Beni Department border1,372,180 haSupreme Decree 22610Trinitario Mojeño, Yuracaré, ChimánNational Park
Multiethnic Indigenous Territory IBeni365,483.26 haSupreme Decree 22611Trinitario Mojeño, Ignaciano Mojeño, Movima, Yuracaré, Chimán
Chimán Indigenous Territory IBeni337,360.44 ha
Pilón Lajas Biosphere Reserve and Communal LandsYungas region, northern La Paz Department and Beni400,000 haSupreme Decree 23110Mosetén, Tsimané, TacanaBiosphere Reserve
Chayantaka Native Community Landsnorth Potosí36,366.79INRA titling completedChayantaka ayllu
Lomerío Chiquitano Indigenous Territory259,188
Supreme Decree 23112
INRA Titling Complete
Monte Verde Chiquitano Indigenous TerritoryÑuflo de Chávez Province, Santa Cruz947,440.8Titling completed and awardedChiquitano
Araona Indigenous TerritorySupreme Decree 23108
Yuki Indigenous TerritoryCochabambaSupreme Decree 23111Yuki, Yuracaré
Yuracaré Native Community LandsCochabambaYuracaré
Avatiri Ingre Native Community LandsChuquisacaGuaraní
Avatiri Huacareta Native Community LandsChuquisacaGuaraní
Avatiri Ingre Native Community LandsChuquisacaGuaraní
Machareti-Ñancaroinza-Carandayti Native Community LandsChuquisacaGuaraní
Itikaraparirenda Native Community LandsChuquisacaGuaraní
Alto Parapetí Native Community LandsSanta CruzGuaraníRanches with Guaraní in conditions of servitude
Nor Lípez Native Community LandsNor Lípez Province, Potosí2,000,291INRA titling completedCentral Única Provincial de Comunidades Originarias de Nor Lípez
Jatun Ayllu-Juchuy Ayllu-Chaupi Ayllu Native Community LandsSur Lípez Province, Potosí1,557,532INRA titling completedJatun Ayllu, Juchuy Ayllu, Chaupi Ayllu indigenous communities
Enrique Baldivieso Native Community LandsEnrique Baldivieso Province, Potosí227,003INRA titling completedCentral Única de la Provincia de Comunidades Originarias Enrique Baldivieso

In Brazil

In Finland and Scandinavia

In Guyana

Communal reserves are conservation areas for flora and fauna, allowing traditional use for the rural populations surrounding the areas. The use and marketing of the natural resources within the communal reserve is conducted by the same rural populations.
Yanesha19880428 28 April 1988
El Sira20010622 22 June 2001
Amarakaeri20020509 9 May 2002
Asháninka20030114 14 January 2003
Machiguenga20030114 14 January 2003
Purús2004112020 November 2004
Tuntanain2007081010 August 2007
Chayu Nain20030114 9 December 2009

In the Philippines

Some lands inhabited for indigenous peoples can be considered as Indigenous and Community Conserved Area.