Langadu Upazila

Langadu is an Upazila of in the Division of Chittagong, Bangladesh.


Langadu is located at . It has 10571 households and total area 388.5 km².


As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Langadu has a population of 54490. Males constitute 53.01% of the population, and females 46.99%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 26617. Langadu has an average literacy rate of 27.5%.


  1. Atarokchara
  2. Mainimukh
  3. Kalapakujja
  4. Goilshakhali
  5. Bagachattor
  6. Vashannadom
  7. Langadu

    Educational Institutions

  8. Rabeta Model High school
  9. Mainimukh model gov.t High School
  10. Baitush Sharaf Adarsha Dakhil Madrasah
  11. Goilshakhali Model High School
  12. Langadu Model College


Langadu has 7 Unions/Wards, 29 Mauzas/Mahallas, and 131 villages.