Lantian, Lianyuan

Lantian is a subdistrict and the seat of Lianyuan City in Hunan, China. The subdistrict is located in the southwest central part of the city, it is bordered by Anping and Longtang towns to the north, Shimashan Town to the east, Sanjia Township to the south, Liumutang Town to the west. It has an area of with a population of 81,683. After the Amalgamation of Village-level Divisions in 2016, the subdistrict has 6 villages and 9 communities under its jurisdiction.


Lantian was reorganized as a subdistrict from Lantian Town in 1987. It is an ancient town with a history of more than 600 years. It is also the place, where the famous Chinese satiric novel Fortress Besieged was written by Qian Zhongshu served as a teacher of National Teacher' College in Lantan in 1940s.

Administrative division

The subdistrict is divided into 9 villages and 9 communities, the following areas: Minguang Community, Guangmingjie Community, Guangmingshan Community, Wenyilu Community, Jiaotonglu Community, Luojiatian Community, Shuangjiangjie Community, Guangwen Community, Xinxin Community, Hujia Village, Jianzhong Village, Xiaxi Village, Lianxing Village, Jizhong Village, Qingling Village, Hongxing Village, Risheng Village, and Xichongwan Village.