
Lapandav is a Marathi film released on 16 April 1993. This film is directed by Shraboni Deodhar and produced by Sachin Parekar & Sanjay Parekar.


A lazy owner of a gymnasium, Abhijeet Samarth lives a wealthy lifestyle in Pune along with his advocate wife, Asavari, and a collegian daughter, Rasika, who is going steady with a wealthy Corporator's son, Vikram Malgude.
Abhijeet's friend, Advocate Anantrao Mahasabdey also lives a wealthy lifestyle with his wife, Ulka, a son, Asim, a school-going daughter Chinni and his widowed mother.
Both Abhijeet and Anantrao along with Asavari get together every Saturday to enjoy some drinks and share poetry. Their harmonious lifestyle changes hilariously, when Abhijit comes across a love-letter addressed to his wife and starts to suspect that she is having an affair.


The film stars
The music has been directed by Anand Modak, while the lyrics have been provided by Mangesh Kulkarni.

Track listing
