Lapiș Forest

Lapiș Forest nature reserve IUCN category IV, is located in northwestern Romania, in the west of Sălaj County, near the village of Nușfalău, which is about 9 km from Șimleu Silvaniei.


The Forest Lapiș with an area of 430,40 ha was declared natural protected area by the Government Decision No.2151 in 2004 and is a relict of a much bigger cluster of ancient forests Codrii Silvaniei.

Flora and fauna


Vegetation of forest

, sessile oak, small-leaved lime, English oak, Hungarian oak, European ash, Turkey oak, European black pine,, Scots pine, black locust, wild cherry ;

Species of grass

, wild arum, windflower, yellow wood anemone, smooth meadow-grass, red fescue.



, red deer, roe deer, red fox, wild boar, European pine marten, European hamster, wildcat ;


Avifauna include the lesser spotted woodpecker, tree pipit, Eurasian scops owl, European greenfinch, southern fiscal, Eurasian hobby, blue tit, common raven, yellowhammer and middle spotted woodpecker.

Image gallery

Species of flora

Species of fauna