Larry Wade appeared in the same issue as Static in Static #1 created by Dwayne McDuffie, Robert L. Washington III & John Paul Leon.
Fictional character biography
Milestone and DC Universes Larry Wade is one of Virgil Hawkins close friends. He attends Ernest Hemingway High School with Virgil, Daisy Watkins, Frieda Goren & Rick Stone. Like most of the series regulars, Larry didn't know that Virgil was secretly the superhero known as 'Static'. Throughout the original comic series, Larry was one of Virgil's closest friends. Wade was tougher and older than Hawkins and looked out for him when he was being bullied. In the first issue, he protected Virgil after Virgil took a beating from Martin "Biz Money B" Scaponi. He encouraged Virgil to kill Biz Money B for humiliating him the way he did. He convinced Virgil that his reputation would be nothing if he didn't, gave him a gun and a plan for when and how to kill Biz Money. Thanks to Larry, Virgil knew that Biz Money B was in a gang called the Firecrackers and would be at the Big Bang, where all the Dakota gangs planned to fight it out to see who would run Dakota. Larry gave him a gun, taught him how to shoot it and left him to the task. Virgil couldn't shoot when it came down to it, but because he was at the Big Bang, he was exposed to the experimental gas that transformed many Dakota citizens in different ways. Larry was directly responsible for Virgil becoming Static. Larry and Virgil's friendship was strained when Virgil found out that he was dating Frieda Goren, Virgil's crush. They made peace, but the strain returned when Virgil realized that Larry always had money and nice clothes because he was a gun and drug runner. It came to a head one night when Static was out crime-fighting and found Larry among the criminals he and fellow crime fighter Dusk were beating up. He let Larry go, only to see Larry gunned down by his own suppliers. With his dying breath, Larry let Virgil know he knew that his best friend was Static. At that point, Virgil realized that despite all they had been through, Wade was in fact a true friend. A week after Larry's funeral, Virgil pays his respects at his grave and considered giving up his heroics. Dusk came to him, injured and out of costume, and encouraged him not to quit because he was needed. Larry is also the namesake of Larry Hawkins, the son of Virgil and Frieda who has inherited his father's abilities and grows up to become a superhero. The New 52 There's no appearance of Larry Wade in the New 52.
Other Versions
DCAU Larry made an appearance in Season 1 of Static Shock in the first episode, "Shock to the System". He is only called Wade instead of Larry Wade. Wade attempted to get Virgil to join his gang. Giving him a gun and telling him to join at the city docks, Wade was going to help Virgil stand up to his problems with Francis "F-Stop" Stone who became 'Hotstreak'. That night the “ Big Bang” accident happened; what 'Bang Baby' Wade became is unknown, or if he even survived that night.
Powers and abilities
Larry has no special powers or abilities
In other media
On the TV Show Static Shock from the DC Animated Universe; Larry Wade made an appearance in the 1st Season of Static Shock in the first episode, "Shock to the System". He is only called by his last name Wade instead of Larry. In the pilot episode Wade became friends with Virgil and attempted to get him to join his local gang. Wade could see the problems Virgil was having at school so he gave him a gun and told him to join him and his gang at the city docks at night, Wade was going to help Virgil stand up to his problems with his school bully Francis "F-Stop" Stone who would go on to become the supervillain known as "Hotstreak" by shooting him. Virgil knew it was wrong and didn't want to, but before anything else could happen; the "Big Bang" chemical gas accident happened, giving Virgil and everyone else affected by it super powers; Virgil developed electro-kinetic abilities and secretly became the superhero known as "Static". What kind of "Bang Baby" Wade became is unknown; or if he even survived after that night, he never showed up again. Larry was voiced by Omar Gooding.